Back when I used to be a lot cuter (lol) and a bit chubby, I remember my mom and dad putting Cadbury chocolate and milk on a tray near our Christmas tree. I would often cross my fingers while in bed and wish that it was already Christmas morning. When morning finally comes, I’ll be greeted with colorfully-wrapped gifts that had very awkward handwriting. I would always ask my mom, does Santa really write that badly, like a grade one student? She would always answer by saying that he’s an old man that’s why he writes a little crookedly. But after that I would not have any care for Santa’s very bad handwriting because only two things mattered: That I see a bite on the Cadbury chocolate, that the milk was only half full and my present waiting to be opened. So for over a few years, I’ve been the innocent victim of my parents’ fun and games; my dad would bite off the chocolate and gulp down the milk as my mom try as her might to write using her left hand, imprinting in my mind that Santa writes like an 8-year old. At other times I remember being such an impatient kid as I end up opening my gifts (I think I did that two times) the day before Christmas. Then I would realize how foolish I was because when Christmas day comes, I regret what I did for I was one gift short. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Poor kid:(
Less than a month before Christmas, I’m sure most people have already posted their wishlists for everyone to view, mine is a little bit odd, since I don’t think anyone would find them in any store (well except for the bibingka):
1. Christmas when I was a kid
It’s so sad that as I grew older, the giddy and magical feeling that
Christmas brings gradually lessened. I would gladly trade a Starbucks planner for waking up again on Christmas day as a 6-year old.

With some of my cousins

Jico and I opening our gifts from Santa
2. Annual Christmas at Westgrove
It has been our tradition back in high school that right after the Christmas party, my barkada would go to my friend’s (Ysi-I miss you!) house in West Grove, Sta. Rosa Laguna to celebrate our own Christmas party: Stargazing, swimming, climbing hills, pigging out, lying on the street, catching fireflies, of course opening gifts, and long walks. Can’t wait for the day when everyone’s here in the Phil. again.

Our favorite house!

3. A White Christmas
I’ve always dreamed up of experiencing a white Christmas and making my own snow angel.

4. Bibingka
Aside from puto bung-bong, my other favorite Christmas food is bibingka. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without buying bibingka at 11 pm in the evening and eating it with hot coco.

5. Completing the 9 na simbang gabi
I’ve never ever completed any simbang gabi in my life. Though it’s actually one of the things that make me feel like it's Christmas, I’ve never had the discipline to go to Church for nine straight days. I truly hope this year would be different.

For my real wishlists, anything from these stores would be fine:
1. Fully Booked
2. Power Mac Center
3. Nine West
4. Rustan's make-up and perfume section
5. Nike
Haha. No really, any form of gift will be greatly appreciated:)
Ruminations are weekly blog writing assignments by the Green & White 2009 Literary Committee. Comments are more than welcome.
*Boo. i don't know how to place the captions for the photos at the center:(
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